Chaotic Mom
My original goal was to be finished with this project by the middle of June, when the boys would all be out of school. The schedule was set back quite a bit, due to a wonderful, unexpected trip I was able to take. I came home from the trip and spent many hours playing catch up, finishing end-of-year business for my volunteer involvement, etc. Then the boys were out of school, sigh...

I've had my three boys for quite some time now, so it should have been no surprise that I can't get as much done with them around. It bothers me, though, that I haven't kept up to my original schedule to finish this project.

While rushing to finish everything, I just felt as if something were wrong. After looking at all of the essays, it occurred to me that the project had taken on a life of its own, and needed some adjustments. The essays have been rearranged, and I've added some more material--whew! And it feels good to be "back on track".

Thank you for being patient! And thank you to everyone who has sent in their paperwork, bios and photos, along with their essays. It has been very humbling to read all that you have shared. For that reason, I've decided to work a bit harder and not rush to push this project through to completion. There are some long days and nights ahead, more typing and formatting the material, then I will post information about the final project.

I can't wait to share your thoughts with others, too. Your essays have been very thought provoking for me, and have already lead to some good discussions with others. It will be great to share the completed project. ;)